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    当前位置:首 页翻译样本 电子电气 仪表_中译英  

仪表 中英

Procedures for editing the instrument
第1 步:按下并保持ENTER键:
Step 1: keep pressing the ENTER key:
■Keep pressing the ENTER key for 2 seconds, and the system will enter into CALIBRATE menu.
■Keep pressing the ENTER key for 5 seconds, and the system will enter into OPTIONS menu.
第2 步:密码为顺序按上-上-上-下方向键
Step 2: Press the Up-Up-Up-Down arrow keys according to the sequence of the password.
■ After the password is typed in, the first item of the selected menu option will be displayed.
第3 步:上或下方向键翻动菜单
Step 3: Drag the menu by pressing the Up or Down key.
■ 同时按下上或下方向键退出菜单返回测量状态
■Press the Up or Down arrow key to exit the menu and return to measurement status.
第4 步:用右向键选中要进行编辑的菜单项
Step 4: Choose the menu option to be edited by pressing the Right arrow key.
■ 显示内容的第一位开始闪动
■ The first bit of the displayed content starts to flicker.
第5 步:按上或下方向键对闪动位进行编辑www.en-ch.com
Step 5: Press the Up or Down arrow key to edit at the flicker bit.
■ 按右向键前移闪动位的位置
■ Press the Right arrow key to move the flicker bit forward.
■ 同时按下上或下方向键返回上一级菜单
■ Press the Up or Down arrow key to return to the previous menu.
第6 步:按 ENTER 键保存新的设置内容并返回到第3 步
Step 6: Press the ENTER key to save the new settings and then return to Step 3.
Calibration Procedures
Electrical calibration for an instrument should be done in the factory.
■ 流程A:用精确的(±0.1%)固定电阻器模拟温度与电导率值,对仪表的精度与线性度进行校验。
■ Procedure A: Verify the accuracy and linearity of an instrument with accurate (±0.1%) fixed-resistor-simulated temperature and conductivity values.
■ 流程B:湿标定过程。本流程需要用传感器输入信号与NIST 可追溯性测试液。正确操作,会完成最精确的系统标定。
■ Procedure B: Wet calibration process. This procedure needs the sensor input signals and NIST traceable test liquid. Correct operation will result in the most accurate system calibration.

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